Visions of Hope Annual Benefit Gala
November 1, 2018 @ 6:00PM — 9:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Eva's Village Annual Gala brings together over 400 supporters of our mission in an evening of celebration! This year, we will celebrate the anniversary of our Hope Residence, which has been providing hope and support for homeless and addicted mothers and their children for 10 years. We are excited to honor Sandra Shahinian Leitner and St. Leon Armenian Church, Fair Lawn, for their generosity and dedication to our Hope Residence.

Gala Committee
Carol Murray (Chair)
Christine Chakmakian Badach
Patricia Barbarito
Lorig Chorluyan
John C. Crimi
Al Daloisio, Jr.
Sandra Shahinian Leitner
Linda Patel
Dan Renaldo
Nora Renzulli
Karen Van Ostenbridge
Event Staff
Joey Mazza
Heather Thompson
Mary O'Mealia